
Justai is an accelerator for economies.

This fintech approach to economic transition allows investors to profit from trends, like the sustainable energy transition, and accelerate the uptake of these development shifts past their tipping point within an economic zone without betting on one solution.

Economies, not Companies

Transitioning economies does not occur because of one successful product or service. It happens when we achieve a 'new normal' in macro behavioral economics, like work from home (WFH) during the pandemic. Mass adoption requires many solutions in the same family to achieve critical mass in public awareness as well as economies of scale in affordability and availability. This is what Justai does. It accelerates public awareness and backend economies of scale to solution delivery in order to smoothly and profitably drive widespread adoption of an economic shift. Within public-private use cases it can eliminate risks or blunt crisis impacts of forced economic shifts from events like the pandemic, war, scarcity, or climate change. Contact our team to learn about bespoke solutions for your multi-national goals.

Follow the Data

Imagine if you could have invested in all of PPE or WFH solutions prior to the pandemic. Imagine further if you received real time updates of which solutions performed especially well and could double down within days with full confidence. It's almost like being able to option every horse in a race and double down on the 20 yard line. Statistically, a larger portfolio is directly correlated to higher returns and is a far better predictor of returns than any financial group's track record. So why not follow the data? Cost of labor and absence of data. 

Justai Solution

Justai draws fully proprietary and unique data from its accelerator and partners to make this scale of diversification and observation economical. Technically speaking, Justai advises on the optimal allocations, determines the optimal front and back end vendors for solutions to thrive, and passively monitors outcomes for follow-on and M&A. As such, Justai and its accelerator can work with governments, private capital partners, and corporations to accelerate desirable transitions and rapidly scale market-preferred solutions agnostically.

Reducing Risk: Biosphere

A very high percentage of startups fail; even VC backed ones. This is not inevitable. Companies do not need cash to grow. They need value add work product and they need revenue. The biggest threat is not having reliable labor and vendors. Justai crafts self-sufficient micro-economies with its portfolio construction. This allows cashflow to be recycled through multiple cohort participants in value-chains accountable for delivery to each other. 

This model massively de-risks investment by retaining capital the way a biosphere retains water. Neither leave the program until there is a productive harvest sold to outside customers. It also radically improves analytics by increasing insights in startup value chains. Long term, this means utilizing data from all ecosystem participants to identify precise reasons why groups of solutions are struggling and propel B2B solutions to become huge alpha generators.

© 2024 by JustAI